
2020     Ph.D., Educational Psychology - Learning Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Madison

2010 M.S., Educational Psychology - Learning Sciences (Distributed Minor in Methods), University of Wisconsin - Madison

2005 B.A. & B.S., Cum Laude, Mathematics and Asian Studies (Concentration in Japan Studies), St. Olaf College

Professional Experience

Academic Appointments

2018 - present    
Associate Director for Partnerships and Community Engagement, Epistemic Analytics Lab, University of Wisconsin - Madison

2017 - 2019    
Instructor, Ed Psych 470 - Research Experience in Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Teaching Assistant, Ed Psych 301 - Human Abilities and Learning, University of Wisconsin - Madison

2016 - 2018    
Research Lead, Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA), Epistemic Analytics Lab, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Consulting Experience

2016 - present    
Research Consultant, International Community for Collaborative Content Creation (IC4 Project), Pepperdine University and the New York Hall of Science (Website)

Administrative Experience

Co-Chair, Quantitative Ethnography Conference


Best Paper Award, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Lyon, France, 2019.

Nomination for Best Student Paper Award, 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Philadelphia, PA, 2017

Busk Travel Scholarship, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2017


Articles in Press

Ilten-Gee, R., Eagan, B., & Nucci, L. (resubmitted, under review). An exploration of generative transactive discourse patterns in structured student conversations with Epistemic Network Analysis.

Levine, P., Eagan, B., & Shaffer, D. W. (resubmitted, under review). Deliberation as an Epistemic Network: A Method for Analyzing Discussions. Journal of Deliberative Democracy.

Journal Articles

Frey, K. S., Strong, Z. H., Onyewuenyi, A. C., Pearson, C. R., & Eagan, B. (2020). Third‐Party Intervention in Peer Victimization: Self‐Evaluative Emotions and Appraisals of a Diverse Adolescent Sample. Journal of research on adolescence.

Hod, Y., Katz, S., & Eagan, B. (2020). Refining qualitative ethnographies using Epistemic Network Analysis: A study of socioemotional learning dimensions in a Humanistic Knowledge Building Community. Computers & Education, 103943.

Bressler, D. M., Bodzin, A. M., Eagan, B. & Tabatabai, S. (2019). Using epistemic network analysis to examine discourse and scientific practice during a collaborative game. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28(5), 553-566.

Csanadi, A., Eagan, B., Kollar, J., Shaffer, D.W., Fischer, F. (2018). When coding-and-counting is not enough: using epistemic network analysis (ENA) to analyze verbal data in CSCL research. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. 13(4), 419-438.

Gašević, D., Joksimović, S., Eagan, B., & Shaffer, D.W. (2018). SENS: Network analytics to combine social and cognitive perspectives of collaborative learning. Computers in Human Behavior.

Sullivan, S. A., Warner-Hillard, C., Eagan, B., Thompson, R., Ruis, A. R., Haines, K., & Jung, H. S. (2018). Using epistemic network analysis to identify targets for educational interventions in trauma team communication. Surgery163(4), 938–943.

Wooldridge, A., Carayon, P., Shaffer, D.W., Eagan, B. (2017). Quantifying the qualitative with epistemic network analysis: A human factors case study of task-allocation communication in a primary care team. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 8(1), 72–82.

Conference Proceedings

Eagan, B., Brohinsky, J., Wang, J., & Shaffer, D. W. (2020). Testing the reliability of inter-rater reliability. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 454-461.

Eagan, B., Shaffer, D. W. & Brohinsky, J. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) Assessing Learning as Cross-Enculturation in Internationally Distributed STEM Collaboration [Symposium]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)

Mochizuki, T., Kubota, Y., Wakimoto, T., Eagan, B., Sasaki, H., Hirayama, R., Yamaguchi, Y., Yokoyama, Y., Yuki, N., Funaoi, H., Suzuki, H., & Kato, H. (2019). Tangible Ningyogeki niyoru microteaching no 3d shiten niyoru furikaeri ga shitentenkan ni oyobosu kouka: ENA niyoru bunseki [Effects of perspective-taking through tangible puppetry in microteaching and reflection on the role-play with 3D animation: Based on Epistemic Network Analysis]. Proceedings of the Japan Society for Educational Technology Autumn Conference 2019, pp.475-476 [in Japanese]

Mochizuki, T., Sasaki, H., Yamaguchi, Y., Hirayama, R., Kubota, Y., Eagan, B., Wakimoto, T., Yuki, N., Funaoi, H., Suzuki, H., & Kato, H. (2019). Effects of perspective-taking through tangible puppetry in microteaching and reflection on the role-play with 3D animation. In Eagan, B., Misfeldt, M., & Siebert-Evenstone, A. L., (Eds.) Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: ICQE 2019, (pp.324-334)

Wakimoto, T., Sasaki, H., Hirayama, R., Mochizuki, T., Eagan, B., Yuki, N., Funaoi, H., Kubota, Y., Suzuki, H., & Kato, H. (2019). Student teachers' discourse during pupetry-based microteaching. In Eagan, B., Misfeldt, M., & Siebert-Evenstone, A. L., (Eds.) Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: ICQE 2019, (pp.245-255)

Cai, Z., Siebert-Evenstone, A. L., Eagan, B., Shaffer, D. W., Hu, X., & Graesser, A. C. (2019). nCoder+: A semantic tool for improving recall of nCoder coding. In Eagan, B., Misfeldt, M., & Siebert-Evenstone, A. L., (Eds.) Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: ICQE 2019, (pp.52-65).

Allsopp, B. B., Dreyøe, J., Tamborg, A. L., Eagan, B., Tabatabai, S., Shaffer, D. W., & Misfeldt, M. (2019). Exploring teachers’ assignment of mathematical competencies to planned lessons using Epistemic Network Analysis. In 11th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education.

Eagan, B., Swiecki, Z., Farrell, C., & Shaffer, D. W. (2019). The binary replicate test: Determining the sensitivity of CSCL models to coding error. In Lund, K., Niccolai, G., Lavoué , E., Hmelo-Silver, C., Gwon, G. & Baker, M. (Eds.) A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings: 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), I (pp. 328-335).

Espino, D., Lee, S., Eagan, B., & Hamilton, E. (2019). An Initial Look at the Developing Culture of Online Global Meet-ups in Establishing a Collaborative, STEM Media-Making Community. In Lund, K., Niccolai, G., Lavoué , E., Hmelo-Silver, C., Gwon, G. & Baker, M. (Eds.) A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings: 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), I (pp. 608-611).

Ruis, A.R., Siebert-Evenstone, A.L., Pozen, R., Eagan, B., & Shaffer, D.W. (2019). Finding Common Ground: A Method for Measuring Recent Temporal Context in Analyses of Complex, Collaborative Thinking. In Lund, K., Niccolai, G., Lavoué , E., Hmelo-Silver, C., Gwon, G. & Baker, M. (Eds.) A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings: 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), I (pp. 136-143).

Mochizuki, T., Kubota, Y., Wakimoto, T., Eagan, B., Sasaki, H., Hirayama, R., Yamaguchi, Y., Yokoyama, Y., Yuki, N., Funaoi, H., Suzuki, H., & Kato, H. (2019). Tangible Ningyogeki niyoru microteaching no 3d shiten niyoru furikaeri ga shitentenkan ni oyobosu kouka: ENA niyoru bunseki [Effects of perspective-taking through tangible puppetry in microteaching and reflection on the role-play with 3D animation: Based on Epistemic Network Analysis]. Proceedings of the Japan Society for Educational Technology Autumn Conference 2019, (pp. 475-476).

Hu, S., Torphy, K., Chen, Z., Eagan, B. (2018). How Do US Teachers Align Instructional Resources to The Common Core State Standards: A Case of Pinterest. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Media and Society (pp. 315-319). Copenhagen, Denmark: SMSociety ‘18.

Ruis, A.R., Siebert-Evenstone, A.L., Pozen, R., Eagan, B., & Shaffer, D.W. (2018). A Method for determining the extent of recent temporal context in analyses of complex, collaborative thinking. In Kay, J. & Luckin, R (Eds.) Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences Count, 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)III, 1625–1626. 

Fougt, S.S., Siebert-Evenstone, A., Eagan, B., Tabatabai, S., & Misfeldt, M. (2018). Epistemic Network Analysis of students’ longer written assignments as formative/summative evaluation. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (pp. 126-130). Sydney, Australia: LAK ‘18. 

Eagan, B., Siebert-Evenstone, A., & Shaffer, D.W. (2017). Identifying recent temporal context in discourse data. In Expanding Apprenticeship, Learning Sciences Graduate Student Conference (pp. 41-42). Bloomington, IN: Learning Sciences Graduate Student Conference.

Cai, Z., Eagan, B., Dowell, N.M., Pennebaker, J.W., Shaffer, D.W., & Graesser, A.C. (2017). Epistemic network analysis and topic modeling for chat data from collaborative learning environment. In X. Hu, T. Barnes, A. Hershkovitz, & L. Paquette (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (pp. 104-111). Wuhan, Hubei, China: EDM Society. (PDF)

Eagan, B., Rogers, B., Serlin, R., Ruis, A. R., Arastoopour Irgens, G., Shaffer, D. W. (2017). “Can We Rely on Reliability? Testing the Assumptions of Inter-Rater Reliability,” Making a Difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL: 12th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, eds. B. K. Smith, M. Borge, E. Mercier, & K. Y. Lim (2017), II:529–532. (PDF)

Csanadi, A., Eagan, B., Shaffer, D. W., Kollar, I., & Fischer, F. (2017). Collaborative and individual scientific reasoning of pre-service teachers: New insights through epistemic network analysis (ENA). In B. K. Smith, M. Borge, E. Mercier, & K. Y. Lim (Eds.), Making a difference: Prioritizing equity and access in CSCL: 12th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Vol. I, pp. 215–222). (PDF)

Hackbarth, A., Derry, S.J., Eagan, B., & Gressick, J. (2010). Adapting workflow technology to design-based research: Development of a method for organizing the “messiness” of research in technology-rich online learning environments. In Gomez, K., Lyons, L., & Radinsky, J. (Eds.) Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010) - Volume 1, Full Papers (pp 667-674). International Society of the Learning Sciences: Chicago IL.


Eagan, B., Hamilton, E., (2018). Epistemic Network Analysis of an International Digital Makerspace in Africa, Europe, and the US. Paper presented at annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.  (PDF)


Marquart, C., Swiecki, Z., Eagan, B.,& Shaffer, D. W. (2018). ncodeR: Techniques for Automated Classifiers (Version

Marquart, C., Swiecki, Z., Collier, W., Eagan, B., Woodward, R., & Shaffer, D. W. (2018). rENA: Epistemic Network Analysis (Version

Eagan, B., Rogers, B., Pozen, R., Marquart, C., & Shaffer, D. W. (2016). rhoR: Rho for inter rater reliability (Version

Presentations and Workshops

Paper Presentations

Eagan, B., Brohinsky, J., Wang, J., & Shaffer, D. W. (2020). Testing the reliability of inter-rater reliability. Paper presented at the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, Frankfurt, Germany [Online].

Eagan, B., Swiecki, Z., Farrell, C., & Shaffer, D. W. (2019). The binary replicate test: Determining the sensitivity of CSCL models to coding error. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Lyon, France.  

Eagan, B., Hamilton, E., (2018). Epistemic Network Analysis of an International Digital Makerspace in Africa, Europe, and the US. Paper presented at annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.  (PDF)

Eagan, B., Rogers, B., Serlin, R., Ruis, A. R., Arastoopour Irgens, G., Shaffer, D. W. (2017). “Can We Rely on Reliability? Testing the Assumptions of Inter-Rater Reliability.” Paper presented at 12th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Philadelphia, PA. (PDF)

Invited Presentations

B. Eagan, “Two Examples of Epistemic Network Analysis as a Method for Modeling Facets of Moral Development” The Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2019.

D. W. Shaffer, & B. Eagan, "Quantitative Ethnography Workshop" hosted by the School of Education, Drexel University, Philadelphia, October 2018.

D.W. Shaffer, B. Eagan, "Quantitative Ethnography." International Workshop: Epistemic Games and Quantitative Ethnography, hosted by JSET SIG-05 Game Learning & Open Education, SIG-06 Collaborative Learning & the Learning Sciences and RECLS Shizuoka University. Senshu University Canada Campus, December 2017.

D.W. Shaffer, B. Eagan, J. Oshima,  "Quantitative Ethnography and Epistemic Network Analysis Demonstration." Colloquium on Quantitative Ethnography, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu Campus, December 2017.

D.W. Shaffer, B. Eagan, H. Shirouzu, K. Hori, T. Nakayama, M. Miyake, "Quantitative Ethnography: A Tool for Assessing Collaborative Problem Solving." Closed Symposium: Knowledge Constructive Jigsaw & Quantitative Ethnography hosted by Consortium for Renovation Education of the Future (CoREF) Tokyo University, December 2017.

D.W. Shaffer, P. Levine, L. Nucci, & B. Eagan, “Responsiveness as a Democratic Virtue,” The Center for Ethics and Education, Kansas City, Kansas, March 2017.

B. Eagan, D. W. Shaffer, & P. Levine, “Assessing Deliberations as Networks,” Association for Moral Education Annual Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 2016.


B. Eagan, S.B. Lee, K. Lux, E. Hamilton, “Measuring Connections Between Affect and Motivation in Informal STEM Learning.” American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, April, 2019.

S.S. Fought, A. Siebert-Evenstone, S. Tabatabai, B. Eagan, “Pedagogical visualizations of longer written assignments: Epistemic network analysis as a formative evaluation tool?” Learning Analytics Summer Institute - Nordic (LASI-Nordic), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2018.

A. Ruis, A. Siebert-Evenstone, R. Pozen, B. Eagan, & D. Williamson Shaffer,  "A Method for Determining the Extent of Recent Temporal Context in Analyses of Complex, Collaborative Thinking," 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, London, UK, June 2018.

B. Eagan, A. Siebert-Evenstone, & D. Williamson Shaffer, "Identifying Recent Temporal Context in Discourse Data," Learning Sciences Graduate Students Conference (LSGS), Bloomington, Indiana, October 2017.

B. Eagan, D. Williamson Shaffer, W. Collier, G. Arastoopour,  A. R. Ruis, A. Evenstone, & Z. Swiecki, “Quantitative Ethnography,” Learning Sciences Graduate Students Conference (LSGS), Chicago, Illinois, October 2016.


M. Misfeldt, D. Spikol, J. Bruun, M. Saqr, R. Kaliisa, A. R. Ruis, B. Eagan, “Quantitative ethnography as a framework for network analysis -a discussion of the foundations for network approaches to learning analysis” hosted by the 10th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference At: Frankfurt, Germany (Online), March 2020.

A. Siebert-Evenstone, B. Eagan, Z. Swiecki, S.B. Lee, E. Hamilton, “Creating, Refining, and Validating Automated Discourse Codes: An Introduction to nCoder and Rho” hosted by the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Lyon, France, June 2019.

A. Siebert-Evenstone, Z. Swiecki, B. Eagan, H. Sung, & D. Williamson Shaffer, “Developing and validating automated discourse codes: An introduction to nCodeR” hosted by the Learning Sciences Graduate Student Conference (LSGS), Nashville, TN, October 2018.

B. Eagan,  A. Siebert-Evenstone, Z. Swiecki, C. Marquart, & D. Williamson Shaffer, "Quantitative Ethnography Workshop: Applying the Tools of Quantitative Ethnography to Your Data" hosted by the Wisconsin Center for Education for Education Research (WCER) and the Epistemic Analytics Lab. University of Wisconsin - Madison, July 2018.

B. Eagan, Z. Swiecki, T. Mochizuki, S. Joksimović, C. Marquart, & M. Misfeldt, "Quantitative Ethnography Workshop: Applying the Tools of Quantitative Ethnography to Your Data" hosted by the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), London, UK, June 2018.

B. Eagan, T. Mochizuki, J. Oshima, D. Williamson Shaffer, "International Workshop: Epistemic Games and Quantitative Ethnography" hosted by JSET SIG-05 Game Learning & Open Education, SIG-06 Collaborative Learning & the Learning Sciences and RECLS Shizuoka University. Senshu University Kanda Campus, December 2017.

B. Eagan, Z. Swiecki, A. Siebert-Evenstone, T. Herder, H. Sung, & D. Williamson Shaffer, "Quantitative Ethnography in R: An Introduction to rhoR and R-ENA Workshop" hosted by the Learning Sciences Graduate Students Conference (LSGS), Bloomington, Indiana, October 2017.

B. Eagan, Z. Swiecki, G. Arastoopour, & D. Williamson Shaffer, “Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA) Workshop” hosted by the Learning Sciences Graduate Students Conference (LSGS), Chicago, Illinois, October 2016.


Co-Chair, ISQE Webinar Series, June 2020 - present

Developer and Coordinator, “Tools of quantitative ethnography: Epistemic Network Analysis and nCoder.” ISLS Network of Academic Programs in the Learning Sciences (NAPLeS) Webinar, March 2016.

Academic Service 

Master Thesis Supervisor
Elnara Shakarova

Mentor for undergraduates whose posters—Localized Stem Learning with LEMThe Tools of Quantitative Ethnography, The Robustness of Epistemic Network Analysis to Automated Coding Errors, and Automated Coding Methods in Transactive Discourse—were presented at the 2018 University of Wisconsin Undergraduate Research Symposium

Professional Development

National Science Foundation Advisory Boards

“Research on an International Network for STEM Media Making and Student-Led Participatory Teaching” E. Hamilton, PI Funded by the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program of the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Award #1612824 (2016-2020)

“Advancing Informal STEM Learning through Scientific Alternate Reality Games.” K. Kraus, PI Funded by the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program of the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Award #1323787 (2013-2018)